
Let’s Keep Chatting.

Oh William. How can it be that you are six years old today? It literally seemed like last week when you unceremoniously popped out of me, bruised, battered but oh so quiet compared to the other loud babies in the hospital. You spent the night curled up next to me, whimpering slightly but other than that, quiet as a mouse.

As a little baby you smiled a lot, did your fair share of crying I assure you, but were still a relatively quiet and happy baby. As you passed your one-year birthday I began to wonder if maybe you were too quiet. Overshadowed by your very chatty, loud and sometimes overbearing older brother, I wasn’t sure if you just couldn’t get a word in edgewise or if there was something actually wrong.

When you turned 18 months old and were reaching every milestone except speech, so I took you in for a hearing test. You aced it and promptly after that started talking a bit more which I was relieved about. As a toddler you were still the quieter one which was fine because it was loud enough around here by then, and by school time you were better but still had to be encouraged by your teachers to speak up in the classroom.

Then this past year you stopped eating gluten.

Now you won’t shut up.

In the best way of course 😉

I love how you have come out of your shell this last year and so happy that you have learned how to speak up, take charge and have found your voice.

What I have been loving the most is our Mommy & William chats. They started this spring and have become something that I always look forward to. Not only is it a time for William snuggles but it’s a time for both of us to decompress, catch up and solve the world’s problems together. Or at least the problems in your world.

Today you’re six. But I hope as the years go on that these chats never end.

I hope that when you’re 16 we will talk about school, girls and borrowing my car.
I hope that when you’re 26 we will talk about jobs, relationships and money.
I hope that when you’re 36 we will talk about kids, marriage, and careers.
I hope that when you’re 46 we will talk about family, changes, and mid-life crises.
I hope that when you’re 56 we will talk about grandkids, retirement, and empty-nesting.
I hope that when you’re 66 we will talk about the fact that I’m still alive because that will be most impressive.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy, let’s keep chatting.

Love Mommy,


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