
Creativity is crucial. Always.

Dear Son #1,

Today you are eight. Wow putting it down in writing is even more surreal, how and when did this happen? I must confess, among the present-wrapping, Minecraft loot bags and Hot Wheels cake creation, I’m feeling a strange mixture of loss, excitement, pride, terror, and inspiration.

Loss because you really, truly are no longer a baby, a toddler, a preschooler, or even little boy now. I mean, you’re approaching double digits. No longer do you want baths with your brothers, and I’ve had to start forcing you into the shower when flies start dying around you. I now have to chase you to give me a hug when you go to school and a lot of our conversations involve zombies, Pokemon and Endermen.

Excitement because I’m seeing you really become your own person as you discover the things that you’re good at, bad at, want to keep working on and just plain hate. I’m excited to see what you’re passionate about and what kinds of relationships you begin to foster on your own.

Pride because already you have come so far in things that were such a struggle for you not long ago. I’m so proud of your perseverance, your enthusiasm and your independence. I’m proud of your accomplishments and I’m also proud of your failures. Both make you grow.

Terror because you will soon be labelled a pre-teen, then next a teenager. And while I love you to the moon and back again with every fibre of my being, I’m simply terrified of what fresh Hell these labels will bring.

Inspiration because you never fail to amaze and inspire me with your vivid imagination and superb creativity. I’m in awe when you can whip up a whole world in your mind within minutes and transfer it on to paper or into Lego right away. Or when I kick you and your brothers outside because you’re all driving me up the wall and then peek outside 10 minutes later to see you all deep in a Pieter-organized game of something that is definitely not on this planet. Or when I ask you to make a birthday card for my Dad and within a half an hour there is an elaborate and detailed drawing of Pop who turned into an evil sandwich being destroyed by Super Nanny. With small writing at the top saying “Hapy Brtday Pop, Luv Pieter”. I love every bit of it and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t just a teeny bit envious of this wonderful imagination of yours.

There will be people in this world that tell you that creativity is not worth pursuing. They will say it is pointless, silly, unnecessary, not worth your time, not financially viable, or not contributing to society. They will call you a weirdo, a starving artist, or a dreamer. I am here to tell you that they are wrong. What you have my boy is a gift. A gift that should not be squandered or muffled or tossed away. It is a gift that should be nurtured, loved, and valued. I am a firm believer that everyone in some way is creative, just many choose to stifle, deny or ignore it. Please don’t be one of these people. Even if creativity is in your life only a little, trust me when I say it is an important and crucial part of it.

And it always will be.

I hope you have an amazing birthday my boy. Keep dreaming big, keep letting that mind wander and keep that imagination going because it will serve you well one day.

Love Mommy,


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