
Five going on 55.

Dear Son #1,

Thursday you turned five. Five. I have no idea where that time went but I know that we’ve had a lot of fun during it. You have never ceased to amaze me in these years with your sense of humour (mildly warped which I can appreciate), your quick comebacks and observations, quirky ideas, complete lack of fear and just how wise you are for short amount of time you’ve spent on this earth.

Now, deflate your head for a moment Gandalf, wise and mature are completely different things and I’m definitely not labelling you the latter. While I could be having a meaningful conversation with you about Antidisestablishmentarianism one minute, it can do a complete 180 and turn into one about the humour in chicken poop.

Being the youngest of three boys has both it’s advantages and disadvantages. While I don’t need to tell you that, lately I feel like you are finding nothing but disadvantages in this birth order arrangement. Not only is it hard to see you so frustrated but to also see you trying to prove yourself constantly. I’m here to tell you that these things won’t be forever and being the youngest is not a complete disadvantage, despite what you may think.

You won’t always be the shortest, the slowest, or the weakest.

You won’t always be the worst at colouring, counting or writing.

You won’t always be the one with the earliest bedtime, the one who couldn’t break the Taekwondo board, or the one who is too young for the library after-school program.

Hopefully this puts your mind more at ease when you are losing the running race and come back to me angry and defeated. Or when it’s JUST NOT FAIR that the boys get to stay up sometimes and you don’t.

It won’t last forever.

I’ll tell you what will though.

You will be more creative. Having two older brothers has made you more creative because you are a unique individual, one who likes to keep it that way.

You will be stronger. We don’t call you Frank the Tank for nothing my boy. You have already learned assertiveness, perseverance and leadership because you’ve had to. And don’t get me started on your fearlessness, my grey hairs speak for themselves.

You will be more determined. Nothing is more motivating than two older brothers. You’ve never had to prove anything with me or Daddy but I know you feel you need to prove it with them—this gives you some serious determination.

You will be wiser (actually I think you already are). You’ve let your brothers do the mistakes first then learn from them. You use your curiosity and keen observation skills. You chat with random people in the grocery store lineups about current affairs. There is truly no better way to learn.

But please in the meantime, slow down, and enjoy being my baby for a little while longer.

After all, you’re only five, not 55.

I mean, when you’re 55 I’ll be 88 so let’s not rush things.

Happy [belated] Birthday dear boy.

Keep being that hilarious, sassy, fearless little man we adore so much.

Love Mommy,


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